Growing up in the bay area I've come to realize how many advertisements there are around every city and how exposed I am to each individual one. I believe that some of the advertisements I see have an effect on my everyday life such as what I eat, where I shop and some of my interests. I believe that advertisements subliminally brainwash me into supporting their products by just getting their commercial or image emblazoned in my head from seeing it so much. For example if I hear a song on the radio enough it will continually play over and over in my head until I eventually start to hum the song. After that, the song will tend to grow on me until I realize that I actually like the song. That same concept applies to me with commercial advertisement.
Humorous advertisements like funny commercials tend to grab my attention the quickest because I love humor. I'll know the product not by what it is, but by the hilarious commercial that I had recently watched. Another attention grabber is if the advertisement discusses money then it has my full attention but only for so long until I establish if it could potentially be lucrative and beneficial to me. If an advertisements has beautiful women or celebrities that I respect and admire I will be more likely to pay attention to it. Informative advertisements seem to catch my attention quite often because I am always trying to further my knowledge, so any new information that I am ignorant to, I listen to and take in. I tend to ignore flyers because of so many I have received over the years and they don't seem very promising. I often ignore radio advertisements also because it doesn't visually catch my attention and I am not exposed to radio advertisements as often, usually only when I am in a car. Advertisements are a huge parts of today society and I feel will continue to grow and have an affect on people in today's times whether they notice or not.