Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hidden Persuasion

Growing up in the bay area I've come to realize how many advertisements there are around every city and how exposed I am to each individual one. I believe that some of the advertisements I see have an effect on my everyday life such as what I eat, where I shop and some of my interests. I believe that advertisements subliminally brainwash me into supporting their products by just getting their commercial or image emblazoned in my head from seeing it so much. For example if I hear a song on the radio enough it will continually play over and over in my head until I eventually start to hum the song. After that, the song will tend to grow on me until I realize that I actually like the song. That same concept applies to me with commercial advertisement.

 Humorous advertisements like funny commercials tend to grab my attention the quickest because I love humor. I'll know the product not by what it is, but by the hilarious commercial that I had recently watched. Another attention grabber is if the advertisement discusses money then it has my full attention but only for so long until I establish if it could potentially be lucrative and beneficial to me. If an advertisements has beautiful women or celebrities that I respect and admire I will be more likely to pay attention to it. Informative advertisements seem to catch my attention quite often because I am always trying to further my knowledge, so any new information that I am ignorant to, I listen to and take in. I tend to ignore flyers because of so many I have received over the years and they don't seem very promising. I often ignore radio advertisements also because it doesn't visually catch my attention and I am not exposed to radio advertisements as often, usually only when I am in a car. Advertisements are a huge parts of today society and I feel will continue to grow and have an affect on people in today's times whether they notice or not.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hard Work Breeds Success

Business communications class will teach me the skills I need to be a well-spoken individual in the corporate world. My main goal for business communications class is to be at an exceptional writing and speaking level to where I can communicate with my colleagues in a professional environment. In Business Communications I will be very proactive and work very hard to maintain a grade that properly shows my ability to speak write and articulate different topics in an intellectual manner. I will improve my vocabulary and make sure my grammar and spelling is at a great level. In my professional skills class I would like to improve on my public speaking skills and make it habitual. My goal is to learn different techniques in public speaking and how to project my voice more. I must learn to organize my thoughts better and stay on topic. I would like to bring all these traits together to deliver a powerful speech. In my IT class I hope to have the knowledge to be an exceptional IT professional. I hope to everything about a computer inside and out and to be well educated on it. I will ask my colleagues and instructors for feedback every day to self assess myself and to make sure I’m staying on track. Hopefully these 3 classes are exactly what I need to be a fully equipped IT professional that’s prepared for anything that comes my way.